Meadowlark Bridge 2020

 I started programming Meadowlark Bridge in college.

A completely revamped windows version of the program will soon be available in late 2020.

The bidding systems offered include SAYC, Kaplan-Sheinwold, Precision, Acol, and a simple version with only a couple of conventions.

There is an extensive collection of about 100 conventions available, ranging from Blackwood, to splinters, to RKCB, and such things as Italian control bidding. Even fit-bids and negative free bids are available.

The program can load hands from PBN files, RBN files.

It can display the expected number of tricks during the play of the hand for help with analysis.

It can present all of the bids and plays, with a commented analysis of each bid and play.

The primary system for the computer bridge competitions was KS.

I am now resurrecting the program both as a library, and as a desktop application for Windows.


Using MB - notes database


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